If you had a software development project that went off track, where would you go for help?
If you’ve been left feeling stranded with an app or another software development project that’s stalled, then please get in touch with us here at Lisden.

Feeling stuck? Sometimes it’s difficult to know which way to turn.
Experienced in project recovery
A number of clients in this position have come to us at Lisden and we’ve developed a bit of a niche in what we’ve come to call project recovery.
Basically, that’s supporting clients to get development projects – and the investment made in them – back on track.

Project recovery means getting your software project back on track.
We’re always happy to advise. You may not even need us to take on your project but just to help you think through your options. It’s a good feeling when we help clients find a way forward after an unexpected turn.
And, of course, we’re also happy to discuss and advise on new custom software development projects.
Give us a call or drop us a line, whichever you prefer. Find our contact details and contact form on our Home page.